Ingredients 250g (2 cups) bread flour 250g (2 cups) all-purpose flour 75g (heaping ⅓ cup) granulated white sugar 100g (7 tbsp) unsalted butter, at room temperature 20g fresh cake yeast or 1 package (7g) dry instant yeast 7g (1½ tsp) salt 150g (3) whole large eggs 40g (2) egg yolks 110g (1/2 cup) lukewarm water zest of 1 orange 1 tsp vanilla extract granulated sugar, for coating Instructions 1. First, dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water, and allow it to sit until it blooms. 2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all ingredients except for one of the whole eggs, and beat on medium speed for 5 minutes, then high speed for 5 more minutes. 3. Add in the remaining egg, and beat on medium speed until a smooth and elastic dough forms {you may have to add a little more flour if it seems too sticky}. 4. Knead by hand for a couple of minutes, then place the dough in a large, lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and allow to rise in a warm place for at least 2 hours until tripled in size. 5. After the first rise, lightly knead the dough, roll it out to 1.5 cm/0.5 inch thickness, and cut out rounds. I found a regular water glass to be the perfect size! 6. Transfer all your rounds to baking sheets lined with wax paper, spray lightly with water, and cover with plastic wrap or a tea towel. Allow the bomboloni to rise another hour and a half until they triple in size once more. 7. When ready to fry, heat vegetable oil in a large, deep pan to a temperature between 170-180C {a frying thermometer comes in handy}. 8. Fry the bomboloni a few at a time, making sure to not crowd the pan. Fry them for about 3 minutes on each side, until they are golden brown, then drain off the excess oil, and set them on a wire rack to cool. 9. While they are still warm, pour some granulated sugar in a small bowl, and roll the bomboloni around until completely coated in the sugar. 10. Fill as desired

ESPANOL: los BOMBOLINI son la versión italiana de Dónuts sin agujero.
Se trata de una masa leudada, frita y azucarada que posteriormente se rellena con diferentes cremas: pastelera, trufa, nata, chantilly, mis favoritos son los rellenos de limon.

RECETA: (para 12)
🐀250gr harina de gran fuerza
🐀35gr azúcar
🐀5gr sal
🐀8gr levadura fresca
🐀2 huevos medianos
🐀75gr agua tibia
🐀65gr mantequilla en pomada
🐀aceite de girasol para freír
🐀450gr Nutella o Lemon Curd
👉Poner en la amasadora la harina, azúcar, sal, huevos y levadura desleída en agua tibia.
👉Amasar con gancho durante 7 minutos. En función del tipo de harina o el tamaño de los huevos, la masa puede admitir un poco más de harina si la vemos muy blanda.
👉Añadir la mantequilla en pomada y seguir amasando hasta que obtener una masa lisa y elástica. (unos 15 minutos)
👉Poner en un bol enharinado, tapar y dejar leudar a temperatura ambiente hasta que duplique su volumen.
👉Quitarle el aire a la masa y, con las manos engrasadas, formar porciones de unos 25gr que iremos poniendo sobre cuadraditos de papel de horno previamente recortados.
👉Dejar leudar nuevamente hasta el doble de volumen.
👉Freír en cazo con aceite abundante a unos 150°C por ambas caras. IMPORTANTE!!! Echar en el cazo cada pieza con papelito de horno incluído. En unos segundos se soltará de la pieza y podremos retirarlos, evitando así que los BOMBOLINI se deformen.
👉Poner sobre papel secante y rebozar en azúcar.
👉Rellenar al gusto, una vez fríos.