Lighting the coals is easy when you know the basics. Fire is contagious. Keeping the briquets close together will help the fire spread from coal to coal easily so they’re ready to use faster.

 Lighting Original Charcoal with lighter fluid
Step 1. Arrange the coals into a neat mound.
Piling the coals into a mound or pyramid will help increase coal-to-coal contact and help the fire spread.

Step 2. Add lighter fluid to the pile of unlit coals and light immediately.Carefully squirt lighter fluid on the top and sides of the charcoal mound, following lighter fluid directions. Light immediately after applying the fluid. Never squirt lighter fluid onto flaming or hot coals.
Step 3. Coals are ready when covered with gray ash.
After the fluid burns off, the edges of the coals will turn gray. As the coals continue to burn, the ash spreads to cover each briquette. Once mostly covered in ash, the coals are ready to spread out and use. The entire process takes approximately 15 minutes.